What are the responsibilities and agreements for each party and mutual commitments?

This outlines the responsibilities of the LEA and Reach University, as mutually agreed upon.

Pursuant to the terms of this agreement, the Local Education Agency shall:

  • Confirm that each candidate admitted to Reach University:
    • is employed by the Local Education Agency
    • is a high school graduate
    • is a U.S. citizen, legal permanent resident, and/or possesses a valid visa for work in the U.S; and
    • has successfully passed a required background check.
  • Maintain candidate records.
  • Ensure that all candidates have access to the required hours per week of actual teaching under the supervision of a Mentor Teacher for their enrollment at Reach University. It is the Local Education Agency’s responsibility to ensure classroom access hours.
  • Identify a state-certified supervisor who will confirm apprenticeship enrollment and monitor progress using the Craft data reporting system for all candidates enrolled in a registered apprenticeship program. Craft collects data required by education and workforce regulators, including college and university accreditors, local workforce development boards, and the U.S. Department of Labor.
  • Provide candidates access to attend Local Education Agency-level and campus-level professional development.
  • Actively supervise, mentor, and evaluate candidates using Local Education Agency processes and performance assessment tools.
  • Attend biannual Reach Partner Exchange meetings to share feedback, opportunities, and shared learning with Reach University.
  • Identify a Local Education Agency Designee who will verify the employment of candidates enrolled in Reach University programs each term.
  • Inform Reach University if the Local Education Agency will cover enrolled employees' tuition costs. Billing takes place once per term in September and February.
  • Notify site leaders of the Supervisor Confirmation of Placement Form that will be collected as part of the admissions process.
For candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Global Education program:
  • Identify a Mentor Teacher for each candidate in their clinical residency year, ensuring the mentor meets state-specific requirements for the program's fourth year. Some Department of Education will cover the cost for the Mentor Teacher.
  • Provide ongoing opportunities for candidates, mentors, Local Education Agency staff, and Reach University staff to meet.
  • Facilitate Reach University’s remote clinical observations of each candidate by obtaining necessary video release forms from teachers and candidates. Local Education Agency shall maintain these records and adhere to the current Local Education Agency process.
  • Provide anonymized candidate achievement and/or benchmark data to Reach University to improve candidate learning and the program.
  • Ensure that candidates entering their Clinical Residency year have weekly access to a classroom, providing opportunities to engage in instructional practices that align with state requirements for residency/student teaching in elementary settings. This includes supporting grades 1-5 in Louisiana (LA) or grades K-6 in Arkansas (AR).
    • In Semester 1 of the Clinical Residency, Candidates must spend a minimum of 18 hours, or an equivalent of 3 full days in their Clinical Setting under the supervision of an approved Mentor.
    • In Semester 2, of the Clinical Residency, Candidates must spend a minimum of 24 hours, or an equivalent of 4 full days in their Clinical Setting under the supervision of an approved Mentor.
  • Identify a Local Education Agency Designee for the school placement of candidates, to identify Mentor Teachers, and serve as the key point of contact between Reach University and the Local Education Agency.
For candidates enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies and Master of Arts in Teaching/Intern Credential Combined Degree Program (CDP):
  • Ensure candidates secure a position at a public school that enables them to facilitate student learning for a group of at least seven of the same students for at least 7.5 hours per week each semester. The candidate must have the ability to plan for instruction and to teach this group. The candidate can be deployed in a hybrid role, but at least 7.5 of their hours per week must be dedicated to teaching.
  • Ensure combined degree program candidates have an onsite mentor who will provide at least 165 hours of support and supervision throughout the school year to promote the candidate’s success as an instructor in the classroom. The mentor needs to hold a clear credential in the same subject area the CDP candidate is pursuing, have at least three years of teaching experience, and have completed at least 8 hours of formal training in coaching adult learners.  

Pursuant to this Agreement, Reach University shall: 

  • Develop candidates to become qualified teachers in Local Education Agency, based upon Local Education Agency's workforce needs in specific schools and subject to Reach University’s current programming availability.
  • Provide ongoing monitoring and support of candidates during the clinical residency year by conducting a minimum of two evaluations per semester.
  • Seek input from the school principal or their designee (through a written survey) regarding certification decisions for any candidates placed in the Local Education Agency.
  • Support programming that helps Reach University graduates meet state and federal guidelines for quality teacher preparation.
  • To the extent not in conflict with Reach University’s policies and procedures or the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), comply with Local Education Agency policies and procedures that are made known to Reach University and ensure that all Course Instructors, Clinical Instructors, and candidates are aware of these policies. 

Pursuant to this Agreement, the parties shall each, individually or collaboratively, as applicable, in good faith: 

  • Refer prospective candidates to Reach University.
  • Supervise all candidates in the clinical residency year. The supervision shall include, at minimum, two formal observations of teaching practice per semester. Observations include feedback on performance, analysis of formative and summative candidate achievement results, and candidate performance data. A team must be composed of a school-based Mentor Teacher, a residency school site principal/designee, and a Reach University faculty member. Any member of the supervision team may conduct observations.
  • Upon completion of the program, a holistic evaluation of the candidate’s eligibility for initial licensure must be completed.
  • Actively participate in shared leadership for the collaboration by attending scheduled meetings to discuss participant and program evaluation.
  • Local Education Agency and Reach University shall each, in good faith, direct respective employees to perform the obligations under this Agreement.